Our Story

Eight years ago, my husband Jerry and I were living in Auburn, AL and raising 3 of our granddaughters in a home that was much too small.  We both came from families of farmers. Jerry’s family raised tobacco and mine raised vegetables. Our granddaughters loved hearing our stories about growing up on farms and were eager to have similar experiences.

In 2015 we began searching for a property that would better fit the needs of our family. Our realtor suggested I look at a house on Heath Road outside of Auburn. I fell in love. The home was everything I could imagine for our family. It has a beautiful brick home and 14 acres of land. I was ready to move, but Jerry took some convincing. When we went back to tour the property again and he started talking about which trees needed to be cut down first, I knew we were home.

In January of 2022 Jerry passed away. We were left broken and wondered how to move forward without him. We had to downsize the livestock and leave the vegetable garden to the elements. I spent the year troubled by the loss and wondering how I could make use of this land.

 As God often does, he planted a seed. It all started with one row of sunflowers in a summer garden. Then I wanted a patch of sunflowers; then I learned about flower farming. Soon there will be tulips, zinnias, sunflowers and other summer flowers popping up and we are inviting our friends to enjoy the refuge and restoration that we have enjoyed in our time here.

 Glory Be Farms is going to see what it can grow up to be.  Please join us in this adventure.  It’s a leap of faith, a knowing that we are meant to be here to serve God and to give Him the glory forever and ever.  AMEN.